Class: Wednesday 6:00 to 7:30 pm, via Zoom
Lab: Mondays: 6:00 to 7:00pm, via Zoom
09/14 to 12/09 – 12 Weeks
No Class 09/28, 10/12,
Note 10/14 = “Mon”
Course Description: This course builds on students' ASL competencies and their use of ASL in a variety of discourse and narrative settings. Skills to be developed are: spatial organization, semantic awareness, complex use of ASL grammar and syntax, the use of classifiers, cultural perspectives of content and Deaf people's views of both Deaf and hearing worlds.
Performance Objectives: At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
Analyze signs with respect to ASL phonology and morphology.
Fingerspell words and numbers with at least 90% accuracy.
Communicate with a native speaker of ASL for 7 minutes using topics specified in the course outline.
Demonstrate comprehension of production of paragraphs signed in ASL.
Sign in ASL demonstrating intermediate control and understanding of ASL syntax and grammar.
Communicate in ASL using vocabulary that includes such topics as daily routines and household activities , physical and personal descriptions of people, and ethnicity.
Make presentations about aspects of Deaf culture and tradition that students have researched.
Compare ASL, and an international sign language.
Describe Deaf the history of Deaf eugenics as it exists in a variety of countries.
Students will write a well-reasoned argument in English based an assigned book to examine Deaf education and its impact on family life.
Students will present a signed presentation making a personal connection to a global issues.
Students will create a short video making a personal connection to a societal issue.
Required Texts
Zinza, Jason. 2006. Master ASL! Level I. Burtonville, MD: Sign Media, Inc.
Mark Drohlsbaugh. 2008. Deaf Again. Spring House, PA: Handwave Publications, ISBN 0965746062
Online component
You will be working with Blackboard and ePortfolio to augment our learning online. Details will be provided in class.
For access and tutorials in learning how to use Blackboard,
check the following website:
For access and tutorials in learning how to use ePortfolio, check the following website:
Instructor Contact
The instructor will access Blackboard daily. Assignments will be graded within 3-5 business days. Email responses will be within 48 hours.
Rules of Online Conduct
This class is conducted in American Sign Language. As such, you are expected to follow Deaf Cultural behaviors and norms.
You are expected to sign at all times without voice.
Your audio must be on mute at all times during Zoom sessions.
Each student is to be visible from the waist up to include the entire signing space.
All cell phones and pagers are to be turned off.
Class starts promptly at 6:00pm. Please be online on time.
Please avoid bright lights behind you on screen.
Weekly Process
Students should review assigned vocabulary and grammar *before* each class.The Course Calendar lists any additional work to be completed each week. Instructions for each item can be found on Blackboard. Unless otherwise noted, all items are to be uploaded to Blackboard by 11:59PM of the due date.
Signed Presentations 30 points
Midterm Examination 15 points
Final Examination 15 points
ePortfolio 15 points
Lab Work 10 points
Book Essay 10 points
Vlog Reports 5 points
Total 100 points
Important Dates
Presentation #1 10/14
Midterm 10/26
Presentation #2 11/09
Vlogs 11/18
Presentation #3 11/30
Book Essay 12/09
ePortfolio 12/12
Final Exam 12/16
Technology Requirements
To complete this course students need the following technologies:
access to a reliable high speed internet connection, a webcam, and video recording capability.
The following Microsoft programs are also needed: Word and PowerPoint. Comparable software should be able to produce either PDF, .docx or .pptx files.
Video editing software (iMovie or Windows Movie Maker) while not required is highly recommended.
Students should have access to the following accounts:
email Coursesites Office365
Students should also have access to some form of cloud storage
for the transfer of video files (Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox).
GoReact Account
Students are required to obtain a GoReact account to upload presentation videos for instructor evaluation.
All presentations must be uploaded to GoReact for evaluation.
Emailed or YouTube videos will not be accepted.
See for more information.
Course Requirements
Signed Presentations: 30 points (3 @ 10 points each)
Students will use ASL to sign about a variety of topics including comparisons between Deaf and Hearing cultures throughout the world.
All presentations are to be uploaded to GoReact for evaluation.
Refer to the BlackBoard site for information.
Dates: 10/14/2020, 11/09/2020, 11/30/2020.
There will be no make-up dates.
Midterm Examination:15 points
Exam will assess student receptive and expressive skills in ASL.
Date: 10/26/2020.
Labs Work:10 points
Lab homework and activities will compare and analyze English and ASL grammatical structures including morphology, syntax and discourse.
Activities will also gather, interpret and assess both hearing and Deaf cultural perspectives throughout the world.
Labs #2 through #11 will have a Lab Quiz covering Vocabulary and Culture. Quizzes will be taken online via Blackboard.
Vlog Reports: 5 points
Watch 5 signed video logs and submit a written response. At least two of the vlogs must be in an international sign language.
This assignment requires observation of linguistic and cultural features as well as content comprehension.
Class activities will use this analysis to further compare English and ASL.
All reports are to be submitted by 11/18/2020.
ePortfolio: 15 points (5 @ 3 points each)
There should be 5 pages: About Me, My ASL Experience, Career Exploration, Digital Communications and Global Connections Page.
Students are to gather and evaluate a variety of linguistic and cultural resources, critically reflect on their learning experiences and integrate content within and across disciplines.
Due date: 12/12/2020.
Book Essay: 10 points
After reading the assigned texts, submit a typed response.
Students will analyze the current and historical cultural differences between Deaf and Hearing from a variety of perspectives including multinational.
It requires that students produce a well reasoned position with supporting evidence that critically evaluates both sides of an issue.
See assignment handout for details.
Due date: 12/09/2020.
All Papers are due on this date and no papers will be accepted thereafter.
Final Examination: 15 points
Exam will assess student receptive and expressive skills in ASL.
Exam will include a 7 minute conversation with instructor in ASL.
Final Exam Date: 12/16/2020.